Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Siebel Estimating Techniques

There are two different approaches / methods of doing Siebel Estimations :-

1.Top down Approach

2.Bottom-Up Approach

Most of the times we use Bottom-Up Approach for doing Estimations.

Top-down method of Siebel Estimation is used when we are doing estimations based on some historical information that is available to us.Like we are doing Estimation for a Project where we have Siebel Instance already up and running and they want add some new features of Siebel 8 Like Task-based UI.Mostly used by Senior Management to do quick estimates.Not that accurate.

Few factors to consider while doing Estimations is that :-

1.Whether it is an entirely New Greenfield end-to-end Implementation  or whether it is some Major / Medium / Minor Enhancements

2.What is the Average experience of the Siebel team members

3.Whether it is new entirely new Project for us or whether it is ongoing engagement.

4.Also we need to consider the complexity of the requirements.Whether they are OOTB requirements or customizable requirements

5.Connectivity Issues

6.We also need to put some 10-20 % of buffer to take of unplanned risks that come across.

Based on the above information we can go about constructing an estimation model.

Estimations done using Bottom-Up Estimating technique are fairly accurate.

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